Tuesday, September 26, 2017

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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

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Although the numbers look promising, the journey of building the business has been an unpredictable one, often hair-raisingly confronting and far from smooth. Here I’d like to share some of the lessons I’ve learned on this path. 1. Realize That You Are The Problem. The business you’re about to build will be a direct extension of you. Its DNA will mirror your own beliefs, motivations, worldviews, strengths and weaknesses. If you’re experiencing a problem in your business, it’s because you haven’t yet developed a capacity for something that the world requires you to learn in order to move forward on your path. 2. Address Issues At Their Core. One of the main challenges for a new business, for example, is to get enough clients. If there’s not enough of them, you might be tempted to view it as a marketing problem. While that is true, there’s more to it than that. At a deeper level, it’s also probably an empathy and generosity problem on behalf of the person in charge of marketing. ADVERTISING If this person is not wired to solve other people’s problems and doesn’t experience joy from a pure act of giving, teaching them about USPs and SEO will be a poor investment of time. FURTHER READING  100 Life Hacks That Make Life Easier 3. Embrace Personal Growth. Your business is a giant classroom in which you’ll get an opportunity to learn about your own barriers and – if you’re willing – to move past them. The aim is to use your role as a business founder as an opportunity to grow as a human being (which will, in turn, bring about happiness and fulfillment; not to use your business as a vehicle to build fame and fortune in order to bring about happiness (it won’t). 4. Believe That Final Destination Is A Myth. When I was starting out, I watched too many YouTube videos in which business founders talked about raising millions of dollars and being bought by Google in the space of 6 months. This led me to be distracted by the promise of a magic, fictitious destination – one where I have “made it”, there are no struggles, no threats and little stress. 5. Enjoy The Process Of Building A Business. The reality of achieving business goals is that every time one is reached, a new set of challenges present themselves, some of which were not relevant or visible at earlier stages. It means that the very process of building a mature business has the effect of moving goal posts back hardwired into it. A business that’s struggling to define its value proposition, for example, has little concern for refining processes and writing manuals. However, one that’s trying to scale will view those as a priority. ADVERTISING The lesson here is to cease aiming for a future where life is effortless and learn to enjoy the day-to-day challenge of solving new problems. 6. Don’t Let Your Time Be Easily Wasted. Results are a product of your effort multiplied by traction. The problem is that when you’re starting out, you don’t really know what you’re doing, so you don’t have much traction. It means that a lot of your effort, and possibly money, is wasted on spinning your wheels in the mud. You simply haven’t yet figured out which of your actions create the most value – and that’s totally normal. 7. Believe That Woody Allen Was Right – “80% Of Success Is Showing Up” – Woody Allen. This leaves you with just one other variable which leads to results – the amount of effort you put in. If you’re juggling your business commitments with a desire to maintain a healthy social life, attend yoga classes, be a great parent, look fashionable, cook nutritious meals, read Charles Bukowski and take regular holidays, you might find that you’re a startup founder more in theory than in practice. 8. Sacrifice Three Things. For someone who decided to build a business, learning to consciously pick battles which you want to fight (and win) is critical. If you’re not saying “No” to most of the requests for your time and money (from yourself and others), you’re probably sabotaging your success as an entrepreneur. Chances are, your current life is not set up in a way that is helpful for building a business. Decide which 3 significant demands on your time and money you’re willing to give up in order to make room for your startup. ADVERTISING Be honest with yourself. Are you prepared to abandon hobbies, let go of friendships and/or move to a cheaper area to chase your entrepreneurial dream? 9. Don’t Be A Hipster. Building a business is quite the trend these days. You see fashionable-looking people with Macs at cafes and think that’s what your life would look like if you were an entrepreneur. Don’t be fooled. Most of those people do not have a real business. Even if they do hand you a business card with a fancy title. I’ll get to that shortly. Take an honest, hard look at your motivations. If you are drawn to entrepreneurship mainly because of perceived glamour of it all, you won’t survive. Most of it is very, very non-glamorous. A good test for examining your true motivations is the amount of sacrifice you’re prepared to make (see the point above). 10. Understand Why Business Isn’t Glamorous. The idea of starting a business like Uber or AirBnB might seem cool – until you consider that you’re simply in the business of selling cheap transportation or accommodation – and being hated by a lot of people in the process. Most successful companies in the world sell very boring products – e.g., toothpaste, consumer goods, gadgets, clothes, cars, etc. Arielle sells job search tools. It’s not glamorous at all, however what’s important to me as one of the founders of the business is not the perceived glamour value of our products, but the quality of the problem that our business has been built to solve. ADVERTISING 11. Find A Problem Worth Fixing. I’m passionate about Arielle’s mission because I know that the recruitment industry is rapidly changing, which means more and more talented people are getting overlooked by employers. To me that is a problem worth fixing – and our job search tools are one of the ways we help people get noticed. Always start with a problem that you want to fix and work back to product. Don’t be surprised if most people think your product is boring. The people who you’re building the product for won’t. 12. Utilize Every Single Minute. I’m a little extreme in how I operate, but let me make a few examples just to give you context for how I chase higher levels of productivity. I typically work in hyper-focused mode for 10 hours a day. Most mornings I’m at my desk by 7:15 am, having already been to the gym. I also keep an iPad in the toilet to leverage my time there. Before my bathroom call is up, I typically flick through a few articles on my Feedly reader in order to get up to speed with the latest SEO/SEM/PPC news and schedule in a few tweets via Sprout Social. Maybe someone has figured out a way to build a business whilst living a well-balanced life. I have not yet met such a person and it’s certainly not been me. (I personally don’t think that it’s possible for one simple reason – business is a competition and your competitors are running forward, not strolling along). ADVERTISING 13. Know That Cash Flow Is King. Irene and I had no savings to fall back upon on, so we had to find a way to generate a profit quickly. To be specific, when we started we had less than 1 month worth of wages in the bank. If we did’t get some clients during that period, we’d have to abandon our startup idea and get jobs. Having our backs to the wall like that was not comfortable, but it taught us a valuable lesson – lack of cash can be a great catalyst for creating results fast. Being comfortable typically leads to sloppy thinking and wastefulness. 14. Accept That You Are Selfish. I got into entrepreneurship primarily because of my own selfish reasons. Specifically, I wanted to experience fulfilment from getting to build something every day and I didn’t like the idea of just swapping my life for money. I don’t use the word “selfish” in a negative sense here. Everyone becomes an entrepreneur for selfish reasons. For most people, building a business is a path to having more personal power, fulfilment and/or freedom. 15. Become Expert At Creating Win-Win Situations. However, being selfish creates an interesting problem as soon as you decide that you’re “officially” in business, as I mentioned earlier. The first few years for a startup founder is essentially a marketing and leadership game. And winning at it means learning the skill of giving more thought to other people’s problems than those of your own. ADVERTISING The trick, at least how I’ve approached it, has been to connect other peoples’ problems with mine in a way that benefits everyone. 16. Come To Terms With The Fact That You Do Not Work Here. When you’re starting your business you wear all kinds of hats – marketing, customer service, accounting, blogging, etc. It’s easy to slip into the mindset of “I must get through all this work” and begin to think yourself as a CDO – a “Chief Doing Officer”. Incorrect! As a founder of a young business, you might choose to work in it, however your focus is different. You do not identify with the part of you that attends to enquiries, writes blog posts, settles accounts, etc. 17. Remember That You Are Building The Business. You are – primarily – the custodian of your vision for the company. As Michael Gerber famously said, your product is not whatever you sell, but the business itself. What’s the vision you have for your business in six months time? 12 months? Three years? Five years? You must be wrestling with those questions on a regular basis. 18. Learn To Be A CEO. Your projections will be wildly inaccurate and probably overly optimistic, if you’re like me, and that’s OK. The point is not to get them 100 % right every time, but to train yourself as a strategist. Create the vision, make a plan which will bring it to reality, execute on it, then measure results. Repeat. Always be working with a clear understanding of how each action you take fulfils on the bigger picture. ADVERTISING 19. Get Ready To Suck At Being Present. The flip side of being hyper-focussed on your business is the impact on other areas of your life. Spending so much time in your head means that it’s difficult to be present – with your partner, friends and the world around around you. Switching off at the end of the day is difficult. There’s always an inbox of unread emails, always a number of projects which need to be moved forward, a client who is waiting, a problem that needs attention and a number of social media feeds that require input. 20. Accept That “Long Hours” Will Take On A New Meaning. Irene and I have done a number of stints during which we’ve worked from 5 am until 10 pm, seven days per week, for weeks at a time. During those stints, we paused only to sleep, eat and go for a walk around the block as a form of exercise. 21. Build A Team. “I can do it all myself” is a common sentiment among startup founders. It was certainly mine. I thought that we can learn to become jacks of all trades and that way, cover most of the vital business functions. In a way, it’s true. However, it depends on your end goals. If you want to build something great or to lead the way in a niche, you’ll need other people to help you. I think 5-10 people is an excellent size for a team because it’s big enough to pack a punch, yet small enough to be agile and not plagued with politics. ADVERTISING 22. Consider Profit vs. Wages. Separating profit and wages is a challenge in early stages of bootstrapping, because at the beginning they tend to be one and the same thing. In fact, there’s usually not enough profit to pay your bills, which means you’re likely to view 100 % of your profit as wages. And probably make up the balance from savings or other income sources. If you hold on to that habit as your business grows, however, you’ll rob it of the money it desperately needs. 23. Pay Yourself Below Poverty Line. Your wages will be one of largest expenses the business will carry in its first few years and figuring out how much to pay yourself with them will be one of the most critical business decisions you’ll have to make. If in doubt, give yourself less and the business more. Aim to take as little as you can personally tolerate whilst remaining productive, reasonably healthy and relatively sane. When times get tough, and they will, the stress of an overhead in the form of an expensive rent or car repayment will significantly outweigh any comfort that such an item may provide. 24. Don’t Spend Money On Looking Good. Learning to spend money well in your business is an art. Most businesses fail because founders spend money away in a way that makes them look impressive in front of their friends, rather than yielding returns. You probably don’t need a $2000 logo and a $5000 website. At least not until you have a steady stream of customers, anyway, ADVERTISING Arielle, as I write this, still has a logo that Irene designed in Microsoft Word two years ago and a WordPress template which we bought for $99 (redesign in coming in the next few weeks). 25. Know That Business Cards Are (Mostly) Useless. I honestly think most business cards are created to satisfy ego trips. Unless your business model relies heavily on networking or making face-to-face pitches to clients, you can spend your money more wisely during the early days. Namely, on whatever gets clients through the door in your business. 26. Obsess Over Data. If cash flow is king, data is queen. Begin to measure and track everything. At minimum, install website analytics which include goal conversion data. As the business grows, use a combination of simple spreadsheets and reporting tools. However, watch your spending on cloud-based solutions to measure enquiries, sales, expenses, hours worked, items sold, etc. Paying $25/month for each one of them doesn’t seem like much, but adds up quickly. Track it all, even if you don’t use all of the data in a meaningful way now. It will provide you with a valuable context for your growth in the future. 27. Reinvest In Your Business. Remember that as your business grows its expenses will grow exponentially. If your revenue is $1K per week, then it will probably seem like you could take 80 % of it as profit. You do some math and dream of the day when your revenue hits $5K/week, because that will mean you’ll keep $4K per week in profit, right? ADVERTISING The thing is, to generate $5K/week you have to spend a lot more of your revenue on wages as well as tools and consultants to help you with legal compliance, accounting, analytics, recruitment, IT, marketing strategy, PPC, content, training and all those other things you didn’t think were relevant. Remember that your priority in the first few years is to grow your business, not your personal bank account. 28. Reject Bad Business Advice. Every day you’ll come across people who will offer you business tips (including me). Often, their advice will conflict with your own viewpoints. It will also come from people who seem to have a lot more business and life experience than you do. How do you decide who to listen to? My definition of bad advice is – it comes from a person who is not living a life that I want to live. I look for mentors who have have a similar definition of success and have produced real results that I want to produce. Look out for know-it-alls who seem to be able to talk the talk, but can’t walk the walk. 29. Learn From The Greats. Read Predictable Success by Les McKeown. It was probably the single most valuable book I’ve read in the last 12 months, because it helped me understand how all the pieces of the business puzzle fit into the overall strategy. The second most valuable book has probably been the Steve Jobs biography by Walter Isaacson because it taught me the power of focus. ADVERTISING 30. Hire Positive People. Job interviews are generally a waste of time because answers to standardized questions such as, “So, tell me about a time you’ve dealt with an upset customer” can be learned. And just because I don’t have an answer doesn’t mean I can’t be effective at customer service. What a job interview does, however, is provide an opportunity to catch a glimpse into the bigger picture faculties that are present in a person’s life. Where does the person you’re thinking of hiring operate from – Acceptance? Trust? Reason? Or do you sense scorn, craving and anxiety? 31. Avoid Time-Wasters. If you hang out around other entrepreneurs (e.g., at co-working spaces), you’ll regularly come across people who are always more than willing to chat endlessly when you bump into them and keep suggesting that you “should have a coffee”. Networking and exchange of ideas are great. However it’s easy to mistake talking about business with building a business. Before you know it, half of your day is gone and you still haven’t created any value. If you agree to having a coffee, set boundaries at the onset – clearly articulate the purpose of the meeting and set a 15 minute limit. Don’t be afraid to skip the small talk and cut straight to the chase. Love this article? Share it with your friends on Facebook ABOUT LIFEHACKLifehack is about helping you improve your life through efficient and comprehensive learning. By leveraging the vast amount of knowledge available to us, we explore and present a wide variety of content catered to encouraging individual growth and solving problems.Learn more about our mission WHAT’S POPULAR NOW? How To Know A Person's True Personality When We Are So Good At Disguise Nowadays The Types of Jobs That Won't Be Taken Over By Artificial Intelligence Self Awareness Is Underrated: Why the Conscious Mind Leads to Happiness All the Essential Items for Men's Minimalist Outfits The One Skill that Will Land You the Next Job Yet 90% Job Seekers Have Neglected RECOMMENDED FOR YOU 100 Life Hacks That Make Life Easier 5 Real Ways to Actually Make Money Online 50 Soft Skills for Lifelong Happiness and Success If You Understand These 5 Rules In Psychology, You Can Live A Much Easier Life LEARN MORE ABOUT WORK Pick Your Job Based On What You Love To Do, Not How Much You Have Invested In. 10 Important Work Skills You Need To Acquire Before 2020 If You Don't Know What To Do With Your Life, Read This. If You Do These 20 Things Every Day, You'll Become Smarter ADVERTISING Love this article? Get more stuff like this in your inbox One-Click Subscribe 10 Differences between a Bad Boss and a Great Boss By Lianne Martha Maiquez Laroya ADVERTISING A dream job includes not only your passion and high compensation but also good co-workers and an excellent boss. Unfortunately, not every job has a boss that will suit you and vibes with you. A bad boss will have a negative impact on your working experience and will sometimes force you leave your work. Here are some traits of a bad boss to watch out for. 1. Speaks offensively and seldom communicates with the team. Communication is the key to a relationship and the relationship between boss and employee is no different. If your boss yells or says derogatory words to you or the team, not only your self-esteem suffers but pressure also increases. Your boss should know when or what to say during a talk and he/she should always communicate with the team. Your boss should give clear instructions about the project and provide the full job details. 2. Fear is his/her form of motivation. Motivation is one way for an employee to work hard for the company especially since there are other things an employee thinks of. A boss that leads his/her team via threats such as firing you if you do not do your job properly should not be a boss in the first place. Positive motivation such as offering rewards and providing constructive criticism remove the tension around the workplace and increase the self-esteem and energies of employees. 3. Wants complete control over your job. A company hires an employee because he/she have met the qualifications for the job and he/she has the necessary skills and abilities. A boss that tells you what you SHOULD do, expects to do your job the way he/she have done it, and control every aspect of your job is a hazard to every employee’s personal growth and self-esteem. ADVERTISING A good boss should let their employees do their own ways of how to accomplish the project. They just need to provide clear instructions and specifications. 4. Blames the team for failures. One of the worst feelings is being blamed by something you did not do. A boss that blames his/her team for failures and only accepts accomplishments is a really TERRIBLE BOSS. He/she should always sticks for the team and he/she should always do what is best for the team. The relationship between boss and employees is always give and take. 5. Does not consider suggestions other than his own. Your boss is THE BOSS for a reason. He/she has acquired enough experiences and has the required skill set to be in the position he/she is in now. Although the boss should always be the one to lead and employees should follow him/her that does not mean that he/she is always right. A great boss asks suggestions from his/her team and consider other options for the sake of the project. The accomplishment of the team is also the boss’ accomplishment. 6. Does not do his/her job properly and you work harder than him/her. Your boss should always set as a role model, as an example of the company’s vision and mission. Your boss should work as hard as his/her employees and he/she should do his/her part of the project just like anybody else. As told by Moses’ teachings, “”Always do for other people everything you want them to do for you.” ADVERTISING 7. Does not provide guidance. First time employees need guidance from their boss and other co-workers especially in the first few weeks of their jobs. A proper briefing about the job should be conducted and from time to time, the boss should always check you to see your work and to see if you are comfortable and well-adjusted. 8. Does not have a firm goal or vision. A boss should always have a clear heading on where to lead his/her team. Your boss should lead his/her team as instructed by the company’s vision and mission. A boss could also lead his/her team on their own terms provided that it complies with the company’s vision and mission. 9. Ignores the importance of team-building activities. Team building is there for a reason. It strengthens the relationship between the company and its employees. It is a medium where employees can release their stress acquired in the work environment and it is a reward for employees for all their hard work. 10. Your boss makes you work hard but the compensation is low. Your salary should be based on your performance and the quality of your work. There should be a set of guidelines and rules assigned to you and you should not accept any other works that is outside of your contract. A good boss rewards employees who work hard and provide good service to the company. Employees should not be underpaid and they should have the respect they deserve. The difference between a great boss and a bad boss is a thin line most people do not realize. They should use their status for the greater good of the company and they should treat the employees with respect. The employees are the lifeblood of the company and they should be treated fairly. ADVERTISING Read full content Featured photo credit: by nuggety247 via pixabay.com Love this article? Share it with your friends on Facebook ABOUT LIFEHACKLifehack is about helping you improve your life through efficient and comprehensive learning. By leveraging the vast amount of knowledge available to us, we explore and present a wide variety of content catered to encouraging individual growth and solving problems.Learn more about our mission WHAT’S POPULAR NOW? How To Know A Person's True Personality When We Are So Good At Disguise Nowadays The Types of Jobs That Won't Be Taken Over By Artificial Intelligence Self Awareness Is Underrated: Why the Conscious Mind Leads to Happiness All the Essential Items for Men's Minimalist Outfits The One Skill that Will Land You the Next Job Yet 90% Job Seekers Have Neglected RECOMMENDED FOR YOU 100 Life Hacks That Make Life Easier 5 Real Ways to Actually Make Money Online 50 Soft Skills for Lifelong Happiness and Success If You Understand These 5 Rules In Psychology, You Can Live A Much Easier Life LEARN MORE ABOUT WORK 7 Habits To Win In Office Politics Pick Your Job Based On What You Love To Do, Not How Much You Have Invested In. 20 Signs That You've Got a Good Boss If You Do These 20 Things Every Day, You'll Become Smarter ADVERTISING Love this article? Get more stuff like this in your inbox One-Click Subscribe Signup for our free Newsletter Feedback
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Search for: Search …  Recipes DIY Cleaning Health Style Facebook Twitter Pinterest  What Grocery Stores Don’t Tell You about the Stickers on Produce Flickr via Kurt B. You know those stickers that can be found on most fruits and veggies in grocery stores worldwide? If you’ve ever bought produce from a grocery chain, you’ll recognize the ones we’re talking about. I’m sure for some of us who used to or currently work in a grocery store, those stickers are burned into our minds (I am one of those people). They usually have a a bar code on them for scanning and a PLU code, which helps your friendly neighborhood cashier identify what type of produce you’re buying. But these unassuming stickers are more telling than you’d think. While the PLU is the “price lookup” number and identifies the fruit or veggie, it also helps to identify something else: how the produce was grown. By correctly reading this code, you can tell if the fruit was genetically modified, organically grown or produced with chemical fertilizers, fungicides, or herbicides The story behind where your fruits and vegetables actually came from has been right under your nose all along! You just have to know how to analyze the labels and the PLU number. It’s actually a lot easier than you’d imagine Here’s the basics of what you need to know about the truth behind PLU codes. If there are only four numbers in the PLU, this means that the produce was grown conventionally or “traditionally” with the use of pesticides. The last four letters (or only four, in this case) of the PLU code are simply what kind of vegetable or fruit you’re buying. An example is that all bananas are labeled with the code of 4011. If there are five numbers in the PLU code, and the number starts with “8”, this tells you that the item is a genetically modified fruit or vegetable. Genetically modified fruits and vegetables have been tampered with in an unnatural way; essentially, produce that has been genetically modified was created in a lab or over decades of artificial selection, and cannot be found in nature. A genetically engineered (GE or GMO) banana would be: 84011 If there are five numbers in the PLU code, and the number starts with “9”, this tells you that the produce was grown organically and is not genetically modified. An organic banana would be: 94011 Dr. Frank Lipman Interestingly enough, the adhesive used to attach the stickers is considered food-grade, but the stickers themselves aren’t safe to consume. If you’re looking to be hyper aware of what fruits and vegetables have been treated with pesticides and other chemicals and which have not, you’ll want to check out the homepage for the Environmental Working Groups. The EWG has compiled two lists to help consumers identify which produce is generally cleaner and which produce is generally tampered with; the Clean Fifteen and the Dirty Dozen. The Top 5 for the “Clean Fifteen” produce are: Avocados Sweet Corn Pineapple Cabbage Sweet Peas (Frozen) The Top 5 for the “Dirty Dozen” produce are: Strawberries Apples Nectarines Peaches Celery For the full lists, food news, and additional food rankings, make sure to check out the EWG online. What do you think of this sticker revelation? Will this change how you shop for produce? Share your thoughts on this in the comments section below. For more information, check out this informative video below on the truth behind food labeling. X  Share on Facebook Most Popular  Avoid Your PIN Being Stolen at the Store with This Trick  Homemade Natural Oven Cleaner  11 Ways to Use Epsom Salt Outdoors  Your Shower Can Be Spotless With This 2-Ingredient Shower Cleaner  How to Make Your Interior Windshield Shine  Genius 1-Ingredient Solution To Cleaning Hard Water Stains  Creamy Chicken Bacon Pasta  Slow Cooker Honey Pork Roast  Slow Cooker Pork Chops  Slow Cooker Mac & Cheese  Easy Salisbury Steak Recipe  Mexican Fried Ice Cream  Stock up on Crescent Rolls. You’re Going to Want to Make All 20 of These Genius Recipes!  Mongolian Beef  How To Make An Egg Roll In A Bowl  Best French Toast Bake  22 Modern Chicken Casseroles That’ll Make Your Mom Jealous  Tater Tot Grilled Cheese & Bacon Waffle Sandwich  Teriyaki Chicken and Vegetables  Here’s Why You’re a Mosquito Magnet Load more About Us Newsletter Share a Tip  Terms of UsePrivacy © 2008-2017 Tipedia LLC. | All Rights Reserved.
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 ADVERTISING  HEALTH Published: May 16, 2017 Should You (or Should You Not) Be Working Out on an Empty Stomach? By Ana Erkic As the amount of fitness information available is getting bigger, the chances of being exposed to bad advice are also growing, creating more fitness myths than ever. Yet, one of the most debatable myths that has been out there forever is the myth of working out on an empty stomach. It has been a prevailing thought for decades that you shouldn’t eat or drink prior to working out, and it seems that only recently the public has started questioning its accuracy. “Fasted” versus “Fed” The common belief of the effectiveness of the “hungry workout” isn’t unsupported; actual research backs it up. The British Journal of Nutrition1 and the International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism both published studies that show data in favor of “fasted” as opposed to “fed” training when it comes to the percentage of fat lost per workout.2 Additionally, a study published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology shows that fasted training provides a better anabolic post workout response to weight training, meaning it provides a better environment for building lean mass. Namely, the conclusions indicate that “prior fasting may stimulate the intramyocellular [stored fats] anabolic response to ingestion of a carbohydrate/protein/leucine mixture following a heavy resistance training session.”3 Moreover, by providing better absorption of the post workout meal nutrients, fasted training has the great potential to improve insulin sensitivity, and is, therefore, an important agent in the fat loss process. As insulin sensitivity shows how easily fat and muscle cells in our body take in glucose, regulating insulin sensitivity helps lower the blood sugar levels, which is one of the most important factors in weigh loss. The Journal of Physiology published a study4 that shows significantly greater insulin sensitivity improvement for the fasted training group as opposed to fed training group. ADVERTISING Finally, fasted training proved beneficial to endurance performance. In a study5 published in the Journal of Strength and Conditional Research, ten professional cyclists maintained lean mass, lowered fat mass, and maintained performance. Why fed training is better? However, there is another side to the story that trumps the beliefs of efficacy of fasted workouts. As sports dietetics specialist Kelly Pritchett, Ph.D., R.D. explains, while the body’s response to a high-intensity fasted workout is to burn glycogen, the stored up carbohydrates, eventually, the body starts to adjust to the new system and starts storing fat from the next meal and burning less calories in order to compensate.6 Additionally, a study7 published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows no benefits of fasting, since longer periods of avoiding food showed a decrease in resting metabolic rates (calories burned per unit of time, a day usually.) What’s more, fed training actually helps reduce appetite later in the day, as a study8 in the journal Appetite shows. Whereas both fed and fasted training participants were expanding the same amount of energy throughout the day, the fed training participants experienced lessened appetite later on, which means less snacking or overeating later in the day, which is great news for anyone who wants to lose weight. Although it may seem (according to scientific data) that fasted exercise provides better results, later and more extensive research shows the opposite is true. As far as the fat burning capacity of fasted training is concerned, while it is accurate to some point, on the other hand it is proven to be counterproductive. ADVERTISING Namely, throughout the course of a high-intensity fasted workout, having no more fat to burn, the body starts to burn muscle instead. As another study9 published in the European Journal of Physiology shows, during high-intensity training, without prior eating, the body relies on burning muscle proteins for energy, which is certainly an unwanted scenario for both professional athletes, and people who are just trying to shed some weight and feel better. Another important benefit of fed training is that it gives you the ability to improve at a steady rate, which is impossible to achieve through a fasted workout regimen, as a study10 from the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport shows. Being able to push yourself a little bit further each time, and outperform your previous training, isn’t feasible with fasted training since your body lacks the energy to rely on for additional strength. By eating a light meal before your workout, your body will be provided with enough energy to help you perform a little better each time. As the study concludes, “meal ingestion prior to daily exercise can modify some of the exercise training-induced adaptations normally seen with endurance training compared to when daily exercise is undertaken in the overnight-fasted state.” How Fed training affects fat loss When it comes to burning fat, the results are more favorable for the fed training method. As another study11 in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism shows, physical activity after a light meal is far more effective for fat loss. RECOMMENDED FOR YOU How to Be the Top 10% No Matter What You Do Intermittent Fasting - The Ultimate Weight Loss Hack 23 Body Language Tricks That Make You Instantly Likeable The study analyzed the effect on oxygen consumption (VO2) and substrate utilization (how our bodies burn fats and carbs), estimated by the respiratory-exchange ratio (RER) in eight young healthy men who were exposed to the same moderate-intensity workout. The results showed that breakfast increased both VO2 and RER significantly, and more importantly, the difference was still significant 24 hours after exercise. This means that fed training increases lipid utilization (the breaking down of fat cells), which is essential for weight loss. Another study12 in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition has managed to completely refute the belief that fat loss is much faster throughout fasting training, as the results showed no significant difference in weight loss between women who ate a meal-replacement shake before working out and those who performed training without any meal. Conclusions All research considered, a fed workout actually has more scientifically proven benefits to overall health, fitness, weight loss, and workout performance, as opposed to fasted training. It may seem like fasted training aids in body fat loss, but in the long run, it actually has counterproductive effects, as the body starts to store fat and burn less calories as a precaution. Additionally, the studies show far greater and longer effects on burning body fat with fed training than those of a fasted. Moreover, the decreased appetite shown in groups who performed fed training is another reason for people who want to shed some weight to enjoy a light meal before a workout in order to prevent later cravings. ADVERTISING Finally, for reaching new higher goals in fitness and training, a fed workout is again a much more productive option, since the calories provide enough energy for extra effort. REFERENCES Featured photo credit: Pixabay via pixabay.com [1] The British Journal of Nutrition: Breakfast and exercise contingently affect postprandial metabolism and energy balance in physically active males [2] The International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism: Effects of fed- versus fasted-state aerobic training during Ramadan on body composition and some metabolic parameters in physically active men [3] European Journal of Applied Physiology: Increased p70s6k phosphorylation during intake of a protein–carbohydrate drink following resistance exercise in the fasted state [4] Journal of Physiology: Training in the fasted state improves glucose tolerance during fat-rich diet [5] Journal of Strength and Conditional Research: Effects of caloric restriction and overnight fasting on cycling endurance performance [6] DailyBurn: Intermittent Fasting: Should You Exercise on Empty? [7] American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: Alternate-day fasting in nonobese subjects: effects on body weight, body composition, and energy metabolism [8] Appetite: Appetite, energy intake and resting metabolic responses to 60 min treadmill running performed in a fasted versus a postprandial state [9] European Journal of Physiology: Training in the fasted state facilitates re-activation of eEF2 activity during recovery from endurance exercise [10] Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport: Adaptations to skeletal muscle with endurance exercise training in the acutely fed versus overnight-fasted state [11] International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism: Exercising fasting or fed to enhance fat loss? Influence of food intake on respiratory ratio and excess postexercise oxygen consumption after a bout of endurance training [12] Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition: Body composition changes associated with fasted versus non-fasted aerobic exercise Show more references ABOUT LIFEHACKLifehack is about helping you improve your life through efficient and comprehensive learning. By leveraging the vast amount of knowledge available to us, we explore and present a wide variety of content catered to encouraging individual growth and solving problems.Learn more about our mission WHAT’S POPULAR NOW? The One Skill that Will Land You the Next Job Yet 90% Job Seekers Have Neglected The Best Way to React When Someone Is Shouting at You in Anger How People Make Decisions That Are Bad For Them 10 Best Electric Razors That All The Guys Would Need This is How You Can Eat and Drink Your Way To A Good Night Sleep RECOMMENDED FOR YOU 100 Life Hacks That Make Life Easier Why I Have a Morning Routine and How It Makes Me Sharper Every Day 5 Real Ways to Actually Make Money Online 50 Soft Skills for Lifelong Happiness and Success LEARN MORE ABOUT HEALTH Is Fasting the New Health Trend? Here's What You Need to Know Intermittent Fasting - The Ultimate Weight Loss Hack 7 Surprising Benefits Of Drinking Warm Water In The Morning 10 Benefits of Fasting That Will Surprise You PREMIUM MEMBER EXCLUSIVE I've Read over 100 Productivity Books and Summarized the 15 Most Important Tips Premium How to Be A Genuine Expert in Your Field Premium High Achievers Are the Ones Who Make the Most Mistakes Premium How Not to Let Smartphones Make Us Dumber but Smarter Premium Get the most interesting ideas of Lifehack in your inbox for free! ONE-CLICK SUBSCRIBE Scroll down for the next article 10 Best Electric Razors That All The Guys Would Need ADVERTISING HEALTH Published: September 06, 2017 10 Best Electric Razors That All The Guys Would Need By Angelina Phebus The Product Picks Team writes and recommends stuff we think will help you on your self-improvement journey. Lifehack has affiliate partnerships, so we get a share of the revenue from your purchase. Having a good shaver is a must for guys. Even men who choose not to stay clean-shaven need a way to keep their facial hair neatly trimmed. Thanks to advances in technology, more men are shifting away from the manual razor in favor of electric shavers. The newest generation of electric shavers not only save time, but they offer a closer shave with a lower risk of nicks than their manual counterparts. Gone are the days of sticking wads of toilet paper over shaving injuries. The latest electric shavers help you maintain a smooth and professional look. There are so many great electric shavers on the market today. Here at Lifehack, we’ve hand-picked the 10 best electric shavers for you. Ladies, if you want to get the men in your life practical gifts, stay tuned. We’ll take the guess work out of electric razors for you. 1. Philips Norelco Series 3000 Shaver 3100 This model by Philips Norleco features a ComfortCut Blade system, which helps you achieve a comfortable wet or dry shave without nicks. The 4-Direction flex heads glide smoothly over your face and neck to adjust to the unique contours of your face. ADVERTISING The pop-up trimmer feature makes it easy to keep a mustache or sideburns looking tidy. Run this under the tap for easy clean-up, and start your day looking sharp. Best electric shaver for: wet/ dry shaves, trimming mustache or sideburns, easy cleanup under faucet Philips Norelco Series 3000 Shaver 3100, $49.95 2. Braun Series 7 790cc Cordless Electric Foil Shaver for Men with Clean and Charge Station The Intelligent Sonic technology in this Braun shaver uses the power of up to 1,000 micro-vibrations per minute to trim thicker or harder to reach hairs. The ActiveLift trimmer picks up those frustrating flat-lying hairs on the neck and chin for an even shave. This shaver can trim hair as short as 0.05 mm, which makes it one of the closest shaves on the market. Not only is the razor itself cool, but the clean and charge station is also cutting edge–no pun intended. Hit one button, and this razor is cleaned, charged lubricated, and ready for its next use. This would be a great time-saver for a busy guy. Best electric shaver for: a close shave, busy guys Braun Series 7 790cc Cordless Electric Foil Shaver for Men with Clean and Charge Station, $169.99 3. Remington PG6025 All-in-1 Lithium Powered Grooming Kit, Trimmer ADVERTISING This Remington is the high-quality, multi-functional workhorse on our list. This isn’t just an electric shaver–this is a full-fledged manscaping kit. It comes with 8 attachments so that you can give yourself a haircut, trim your face, neaten a wild beard, and take care of pesky nose and ear hairs. The blades are self-sharpening surgical steel, which means that they’ll keep their edge for a long time. To clean these attachments, run them under the faucet. If you have a lot of grooming to do, don’t worry about battery life with this kit. The lithium battery gives you 50 minutes of cordless battery life. Best electric shaver for: all-in-one shaver, durability, battery life, easy cleanup under faucet Remington PG6025 All-in-1 Lithium Powered Grooming Kit, Trimmer, $19.99 4. Philips Norelco Electric Shaver 9700, Cleansing Brush The Philips Norelco 9700 model won the 2015 iF Design Award. Its shaving heads can move independently in eight directions to allow for a close, smooth shave. The contour-hugging abilities of this shaver cut about 20% more hair with every pass, which saves you time otherwise spent standing in front of the mirror. You can choose from one of three settings depending on your time constraints and shave preferences. The V-Track Precision Blades channel your hair into the best cutting position, which gives you a closer and more comfortable shave, wet or dry. The cleansing brush attachment offers a hygienic and safe way to remove excess oils from your face. RECOMMENDED FOR YOU 10 Cool Office Gadgets That Will Make Your Work Desk Organized And Boost Your Productivity How a Vegan Diet Keeps Me Energized, Mentally Sharp and Full of Drive 10 Clever Kitchen Gadgets You Don't Even Know Exist Best electric shaver for: wet/ dry shave, a close shave, multiple settings to suit your schedule, facial cleansing Philips Norelco Electric Shaver 9700, Cleansing Brush, $299.99 5. Braun Series 9-9095cc Wet and Dry Foil Shaver for Men with Cleaning Center, Electric Men’s Razor For the guy who doesn’t bother shaving on the weekends, this model by Braun can handle 3-day beards with no problem. This foil shaver works well for wet and dry shaves, adapts to the shape of your face with a quadruple-action cutting system, and offers a close and long-lasting shave. The four cutting elements use a combination of Braun’s Sonic Technology and 40,000 cross-cutting actions every minute to get the optimal shave on any part of your face. Just like the Braun model we already mentioned on this list (#2), this one comes with that amazing cleaning station that cleans, charges, and lubricates your shaver with the touch of one button. Best electric shaver for: 3-day beards, wet/ dry shaves, busy guys Braun Series 9-9095cc Wet and Dry Foil Shaver for Men with Cleaning Center, Electric Men’s Razor, $269.99 6. Panasonic ES-LV61-A Arc5 Men’s Electric Shaver ADVERTISING Don’t let the five Arc 5 nanotech blades on this Panasonic shaver intimidate you. More foils mean that you get a better shave faster. The blades are positioned at a 30 degree angle, which offers you a close shave. When these types of shavers have a slow motor, they can yank your hair. Ouch! This model’s 14,000 cycle per minute motor eliminates that problem. You’ll get a quick and clean cut without the agony. The battery indicator lets you know how much charge you have, but this shaver is designed to maintain full power all the way until the end of its batter life. You don’t have to worry about the motor slowing down as the battery runs out. Best electric shaver for: wet and dry shaves, close shaves Panasonic ES-LV61-A Arc5 Men’s Electric Shaver, $200.00 7. Remington F5-5800 Foil Shaver, Men’s Electric Razor Each shaver foil on this Remington model flexes independently to worth with the contours of your face. Surgical stainless steel blades offer a close, clean shave. The bonus pop-up trimmer also makes it easy to tackle problem areas or neaten sideburns and mustaches. Clean up involves a simple run under the faucet. The battery-life on this shaver allows you to go for up to 20 days between charges. Best electric shaver for: close shave, neatening sideburns or mustaches, long battery life, quick charge Remington F5-5800 Foil Shaver, Men’s Electric Razor, $38.54 8. Panasonic ES8243A Arc4 Electric Razor for Men This four-blade electric shaver cuts whiskers at their base. The blades are positioned at a 30 degree angle, and the head pivots to allow you to achieve a smooth and even shave across every contour of your neck, jawline, and chin. The linear motor, which operates at 13,000 cycles per minute, makes shaving a quick and comfortable experience. This shaver runs at peak capacity until it needs to be recharged, which means you don’t have to worry about this shaver slowing and tugging on your face. Best electric shaver for: wet/ dry shave Panasonic ES8243A Arc4 Electric Razor for Men, $89.99 9. Philips Norelco 1150X/46 Shaver 6100 The head on this shaver pivots and tilts to adjust to the curves of your face. The design minimizes irritation and discomfort. This model works well with shave gels or foams, which can give sensitive skin an extra level of protection. This shaver can be fully charged in one hour, and offers 40-minutes of shave time for every charge. There’s also a three-minute quick charge if your battery runs low before you are able to wrap up. Best electric shaver for: sensitive skin, wet shave, quick charge Philips Norelco 1150X/46 Shaver 6100, $89.95 10. Braun Series 3 ProSkin 3040s Wet&Dry Electric Shaver for Men Here’s another great option for guys who like to skip shaving on the weekends. It has been tested on a 3-day beard, and the results don’t disappoint. This Braun shaver has three pressure-sensitive shaving elements that adjust to conform to your face’s shape. The Micro-comb feature works to capture more hair in every stroke. The two rechargeable NiMH batteries that come with this model can offer 40 minutes of shave time. This shaver has a 60-minute charging time, but there is also a 5-minute quick recharge option. Run this under the faucet for a quick and easy clean up. Best electric shaver for: 3-day beard, wet/ dry shave Braun Series 3 ProSkin 3040s Wet&Dry Electric Shaver for Men, $60.07 REFERENCES Featured photo credit: InfoWire.dk/ Flickr via flickr.com ABOUT LIFEHACKLifehack is about helping you improve your life through efficient and comprehensive learning. By leveraging the vast amount of knowledge available to us, we explore and present a wide variety of content catered to encouraging individual growth and solving problems.Learn more about our mission WHAT’S POPULAR NOW? The One Skill that Will Land You the Next Job Yet 90% Job Seekers Have Neglected The Best Way to React When Someone Is Shouting at You in Anger How People Make Decisions That Are Bad For Them 10 Best Electric Razors That All The Guys Would Need This is How You Can Eat and Drink Your Way To A Good Night Sleep RECOMMENDED FOR YOU These 10 Travel Gadgets Will Revolutionize Your Vacation What Is A Toxic Relationship And How To Deal With It. What To Eat (And Not To Eat) When You Are Suffering From Inflammation! 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