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Top 50 Best Self Help Books For Men – All Time Reads On All Facets Of Life
We all have problems. The world is littered with armchair dreams and lay-abouts who do nothing about them.
Most men trot through life with an empty emotional bank account.
Their self-esteem is non-existent, and their understanding of why remains a mystery only to themselves.
While self-help books are not a form of taking action, most offer a great deal of insight as to why you’re so f-cked up in life.
From popular psychology to human behavior, the mind and beyond, if you’re looking for inspiring reads by inspirational people, you’ve finally found them.
Only in this collection of self-help all-time reads, the focus isn’t on Zen; it’s about overcoming all the issues holding you back in life from being all that you can be. The truth is, Zen doesn’t pay the bills when you’re coughing up blood in the hospital. It takes money!
It’s a good reason as to why you’ll find business and personal finance reading material mixed in with the relationship, public speaking, self-esteem/confidence building, and time management books. In other words, these top 50 best self help books for men cover all facets of life!
If you’re looking for purely feel good and ego-stroking nonsense, you might as well write your d-mn own book. Because the only person more qualified at being a loser is you!
1. 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People By Stephen Covey

If you want to be effective, you must learn to do the things that highly effective people do. Take instruction from Stephen R. Covey, an effective leadership expert. He shows you how to become your most effective self with seven captivating principles, which include prioritizing and beginning with the end in mind.
2. As A Man Thinketh By James Allen

Even though it was originally written in 1902, the advice in Englishman James Allen’s book is still relevant for men today. Help yourself to this classic self-help book and let Allen show you that you hold the key that unlocks the door to your prosperity and that this key is in your mind. If you want to change your life, you must start by changing your thinking.
3. Awaken The Giant Within By Tony Robbins

Man up and seize control of your life with the help of an expert on performance and change! Tony Robbins advises you how to do this by specifically targeting the individual areas of your mind, emotions (yes, men are emotional beings also), body, and finances. He gives you easy, step-by-step techniques to effectively master your destiny.
4. Blink By Malcolm Gladwell

Do you ever feel inadequate? Do you ever wonder the reason that other men succeed with little effort, but you can’t get ahead? You’re not alone. Malcolm Gladwell explains how you can think quickly and still make the best choices and decisions to succeed in life. The examples in his book are based on both the good and bad decisions of true and relatable characters.
5. Borrowing Brilliance By David Kord Murray

This book is a must-read for any entrepreneur. Murray, a former scientist, executive, inventor, and entrepreneur, will have you growing your business in no time. You’ll want to read his six steps for dealing with problems, borrowing and expanding on the ideas of others, and creating solutions to your problems. Steve Jobs and Sergey Brin are among the brilliant men used as examples in this book.
6. Business Adventures By John Brooks

Whether you are a new or seasoned business owner, you want your business to succeed. Learn from the highs and lows of corporate America; read the engaging histories of Ford Motor Company, General Electric, and more; and begin to create your own defining moments. This book has been praised by Bill Gates, so why not give it a read?
7. Getting Things Done By David Allen

Men, it is time to be intentional and to live your life purposefully! This book is loaded with ideas from one of the world’s most well-known consultants. Increase your productivity by learning to relax, delegate, and achieve with Allen’s getting-things-done methods.
8. How To Be Rich By J Paul Getty

Maybe you’re no longer just a college kid trying to pave the way for your life; you’re on the road to becoming a successful businessman. What’s next? Well, this book is for you. Billionaire J. Paul Getty shares his secrets and tells you what to do with your money once you have made it, so put down those get-rich-quick books by not-yet-rich people and win with your money by using Getty’s principles.
9. How To Stop Worrying And Start Living By Dale Carnegie

Written in the 1940s by a former worry wort, this book’s principles can still help men today. Find out how Dale Carnegie learned to accept criticism, conquer worry and fatigue, and be himself; then, put those principles into practice for yourself in today’s fast-paced and self-centered society. Don’t worry; you’ll be happy you did.
10. How To Win Friends And Influence People By Dale Carnegie

This version of Dale Carnegie’s classic has been revamped to make it easier for you to apply his principles in our modern era. This book is a great read for men that want to become more successful communicators and leaders as they learn to utilize all of the tools that the digital age has to offer.
11. Influence By Robert B Cialdini

Are you a yes man? If so, that’s no good for your success! Your degree of success has much to do with your degree of influence over people. Read this book to begin unleashing your powers of persuasion. Once you are putting Robert Cialdini’s six universal truths into practice, you’ll have other men becoming your sycophants.
12. Lead The Field By Earl Nightingale

No matter what your niche in life is, you can apply Earl Nightingale’s 12 truths to become more successful in every niche of your life. The renowned radio host offers insightful stories and poignant lessons to help you develop your best self. It’s a man-eat-man world out there, but Nightingale submits that you can be successful without eating others alive.
13. Making A Good Brain Great By Daniel G Amen

Science geeks will especially enjoy this very practical self-help book. It’s easy for men to equate strength with muscles and to forget that the brain is man’s greatest asset. It needs to be nourished and exercised, too. Dr. Amen uses his years of experience and research to help you get your brain in gear and enhance its capabilities.
14. Man’s Search For Meaning By Viktor E Frankl

Here’s one for the history buffs, but anyone can appreciate this motivational self-help book by Viktor Frankl, an Auschwitz survivor. If anyone had struggles to overcome, he did. A reading of his memoirs is sure to motivate you to find your own “will to meaning” and to overcome the daily struggles you experience on your journey to a greater you.
15. Meditations By Marcus Aurelius

Speaking of struggles, this book is perfect for those in a struggle to succeed. Strong men are born out of struggles, and Aurelius speaks of manlike behavior in the midst of his struggle to rule an empire. Honestly, who could better teach you to build your own proverbial empire than an emperor of Rome?
16. Outliers By Malcolm Gladwell

Gladwell gets a bit more personal in this book than he did with Blink. He goes beyond determining how successful people think to discovering who they really are and what makes them different. A person’s backstory is often the key to his success. Uncover the intriguing secrets that have made famous individuals and certain demographics successful.
17. Release Your Brakes By James Newman

Do you need help determining those things that are holding you back in life? Newman, owner and operator of PACE seminars, purposes to show you ways to tap into your unknown potential. Overcome your fears, step out of your comfort zone, and rid yourself of the extra baggage that is hindering you from achieving your fullest potential!
18. Rework By Jason Fried

If you’re one of those men that is dissatisfied with following the status quo, this is your book. Jason Fried’s seemingly backward instruction isn’t typical of most business books. He takes a simple approach, which he claims produces fast results, to encourage you to succeed in your endeavors. In a nutshell, his advice is to keep things simple, to disregard competitors, and to actually get to work!
19. Rich Dad Poor Dad By Robert T Kiyosaki

Family men, listen up! This book is as practical for your kids as it is for you. Robert Kiyosaki explains how the fiscal philosophies of two men in his life affected his ideas about finances. Be prepared for common financial misconceptions to be debunked and to learn your responsibilities regarding your family’s financial security.
20. See You At The Top By Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar’s motivational classic emphasizes the necessity of focusing on the important things in life. The book includes faith topics and religious principles to teach you to form habits and to set goals in every area of your life. It also teaches the importance of meeting the needs of others to attain personal success.
21. The 10 Pillars Of Wealth By Alex Becker

Learn how to make your money work for you and how to quit working for your money. Who doesn’t want to make money in his sleep? Alex Becker tackles the pillars or mindsets that effect financial wealth and shows you how to think the way that rich people do so that you can be the boss of your financial destiny.
22. The 33 Strategies Of War By Robert Greene

Fully loaded with historical accounts, this book analyzes the individual actions that have led to the success or demise of historical and current figures. Greene creatively relates military strategies of war to everyday life decisions so that you can conquer any conflict. Add this one to your reading list if you want to gain an upper hand and take charge of your life.
23. The 48 Laws Of Power By Robert Greene

What man doesn’t want to dominate in every facet of his life? Learn 48 practical laws for beginning your rise to power from Robert Greene’s riveting book. It gives you the ammunition you need to keep your reputation, to draw people to your side, and to dominate at furthering your causes. In addition to others, Greene uses the real-life examples of P.T. Barnum and Henry Kissinger as support.
24. The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho

This fictional masterpiece is both entertaining and empowering. Don’t be put off that the main character is just a boy. Let the fable of Santiago encourage you to follow your dreams and inspire you in your search for your destiny. You’ll find subtle, motivational lessons sprinkled throughout the book, such as conquering fear, discerning truth, and living in the moment.
25. The Compound Effect By Darren Hardy

Decisions, decisions. The premise of this book is that your life is determined by every minute decision that you make. Hardy explains the principles and decisions that have led to the accomplishments of many in the business world; however, the same principles can be applied to every area of life. Use this book as a manual to achieve the life that you desire.
26. The Definitive Book Of Body Language By Barbara Pease

Do you ever have trouble reading people? Learning to read people’s body language is a huge step in personal growth and development. Allan and Barbara Pease teach you their skills for reading the body language of other people. Learn to tell if a person is lying and to use nonverbal communication to elicit the responses that you need from others.
27. The Easy Way To Control Alcohol By Allen Carr

On a more serious note, you know the damage that alcoholism can cause. If you or someone you know struggles with alcohol addiction, you must read this book. Allen Carr continues his writings about addictions with this book about alcoholism. He destroys myths about alcoholism and explains the reasons that people drink. Finally, he gives instructions to be totally free from addiction.
28. The Four Agreements By Don Miguel Ruiz And Janet Mills

Speaking of freedom, consider this next book in our lineup. Filled with wisdom and based on the ancient Mexican culture, Toltec, it unveils false ideas that you are believing and allowing to stunt your personal growth. Furthermore, Ruiz promotes four agreements that counteract these false beliefs and that will enable you to be free to fulfill your dreams.
29. The Game By Neil Strauss

Bachelors, this one is especially for you! This autobiography is based on a two-year period of the author’s life. Neil Strauss shares how he was able to seduce women as a pickup artist; however, the key is not a pickup line. The key is confidence, which is necessary to attract your desires in all realms of life. Read this book to develop a more confident you.
30. The Last Lecture By Randy Pausch

If you truly want to be challenged to the core, read this book, which goes beyond building wealth and success to leaving a legacy. According to Pausch, who was diagnosed with cancer prior to writing the book, “It’s not about how to achieve your dreams. It’s about how to lead your life.” With every eye-opening page, Pausch will have you realizing the value of time through thought-provoking wit and wisdom.
31. The Millionaire Fastlane By By Mj Demarco

This book is for men that want to live life in the fast lane. Why wait until you’re old and gray to enjoy life? Get your life in gear while you’re still young with DeMarco’s tips. According to him, mediocrity and the markets aren’t your friends. Find out how to accumulate wealth that lasts you a lifetime, not just in the end of your life.
32. The Millionaire Next Door By Thomas Stanley And William Danko

Believe it or not, most millionaires don’t drive a Ferrari or live in a mansion. In fact, you might unknowingly know a millionaire. This book pinpoints seven common factors that all millionaires and even wealthier individuals have in common. Put the seven factors into practice, and you could find yourself becoming the next millionaire.
33. The Power Of Habit By Charles Duhigg

Take your business, life, and more to the next level once you find out the reasons that you habitually do the things you do. This book will show you how your habits are affecting you. Stop doing things that are holding you back; begin new habits that will produce success. Duhigg uses provocative stories to support his points and to help you incorporate positive habits in your life.
34. The Power Of Positive Thinking By Dr Norman Vincent Peale

Maybe you know what you need to do to get what you want from life, but you struggle to actually do it. Dr. Peale helps you develop the initiative that you need to fulfill your ambitions. His book, which is written in a nearly hypnotic style, outlines ways that you can affirm your thoughts to effect positive change and relies on case studies to support its theories.
35. The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind By Joseph Murphy

Once you change your way of thinking, the sky really is the limit, according to Dr. Joseph Murphy. Because personal relationships, business management, and financial security are all tackled in this book, no man is excluded from its practical and positive applications. If you’re man enough to get in touch with your subconscious mind, read on!
36. The Prophet By Kahlil Gibran

For men interested in a great philosophical read, Kahlil Gibran’s poetic essays won’t disappoint. Gibran leaves no stone unturned; he offers inspiration for marriage and family life, health, law, death, and a number of other topics. This print also includes 12 of Gibran’s drawings, which will appeal to your inner boy. Seriously, if you are searching for enlightenment, you will find it in this book.
37. The Six Pillars Of Self Esteem By Nathaniel Branden

This book is a somewhat technical read, but is a great read for men struggling with self-esteem issues. Dr. Branden offers six daily practices that are the groundwork for healthy self-esteem and provides practical advice for anyone in charge of caring for the self-esteem of others.
38. The Slight Edge By Jeff Olson

Consider a new way of thinking with this book. It’s a way of thinking that will affect all other aspects of your life and choices that you make. This is not your typical self-help book, but it offers a good foundation for changing your way of thinking as you read other self-help books. Delve into its pages to learn more about “the ripple effect” and helping others.
39. The Strangest Secret By Earl Nightingale

This Nightingale classic, considered to be one of the greatest motivational essays of all time, could be the kick in the rear that you need. The straightforward language pushes you to get busy accomplishing the tasks that your life has for you. In a world of entitlement, Nightingale impresses you to work hard to reach your own goals.
40. Thick Face Black Heart By Chu Chin Ning

Next, we turn to ancient Chinese military philosophy. Chin-Ning Chu, an expert on business psychology, explains how to conquer your business and personal worlds by incorporating the strategies of the Chinese military. She combines these strategies with spiritual undertones to help you dominate in the realms of strategic thinking and successful living.
41. Think And Grow Rich By Napoleon Hill

Follow the business model of Andrew Carnegie and unleash the secrets of making money. This book doesn’t just tell you what you need to do to become rich; it also explains in detail how to do it. Although the book primarily focuses on accumulating money, its lessons can be applied to every area in which you would like to be more successful.
42. What Every Body Is Saying By Joe Navarro

What kind of non-verbal cues do you send to other people, such as a love interest or boss? You are probably not even aware of what you are doing, yet your silent communication can be either your greatest asset or anchor in life. Learn from a former FBI expert to speed read the actions and behaviors of others and to use that knowledge to your benefit as well.
43. Your First 100 Million By Dan Pena

Finally, Daniel S. Pena, a self-made millionaire, uses his Quantum Leap Advantage model to teach you to become financially successful. He personally used this method to become wealthy and submits that it can work for you, too. He also discusses the importance of mentors as you follow his program. With a mentor and a passion to succeed, you will be on the road to achieving super success and perhaps your own Guthrie Castle.

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Never Get Sick Again: How to Optimize Your Immune System
January 3, 2016 by Mikey D 5 Comments

In the last few years, I’ve gotten sick very infrequently. When I’ve had cold symptoms, it was invariably after pulling an all-nighter, or a weekend of relative debauchery. In other words, I had it coming. And when I say “cold symptoms", I mean some of the mildest sniffles and coughing you’ve ever seen.

And the common cold is, well, common. Americans suffer through a billion colds every year. Adults tend to get on average two to four colds per year. How is it that I am getting only very mild colds, and at only about half the rate of the average adult?
I’ve always lived a relatively healthy lifestyle compared to most, but I’ve never been the kind of person who controls every last variable in my environment, or eats only clean foods, never drinks alcohol, etc. I added one very simple, cheap, and easy behavior to my lifestyle in January 2013 which seems to have done the trick: vitamin D supplementation! Soon after that, I added zinc to my supplement regimen, which provided further immune benefits.

I plan to cover about a gazillion different things you can do to improve your immune function in this article. However, as a big proponent of the 80/20 rule, I figured I’d give away my “secret" right at the beginning. Simply adding the cheap supplements of vitamin D and zinc to your routine could provide an incredible bang for your buck, immunity-wise.

Oh, and one other quick tip. Drink a ton of water. Seriously. Not only is staying hydrated important for immune function, but it provides the double “benefit” of making you need to pee frequently, and thus provides a very easy reminder to wash your hands frequently throughout the day. I used this strategy recently while working in an urgent care clinic, and the close proximity to all sorts of diseased people didn’t affect me one bit!
In what is to follow, I will walk you through reams and reams of different tips, tricks, and lifestyle modifications that will make you impervious to all infectious diseases, guaranteed! (Warning: not really a guarantee.)
Nutrition: What to Consume
Vitamin D
Maintain A Healthy Gut Microbiome
Other Nutrients That Help Your Immune System
Nutrition: What Not To Consume
Exercise Guidelines To Optimize Immune Function
Mental Health, Happiness, And The Immune System
Lifestyle Factors Impacting Your Immune System
Get Enough Sleep
Reduce Alcohol And Tobacco Usage
Practice Good Hygiene
Nutrition: What to Consume
The first step towards a healthy immune system is to make sure that you are getting enough of certain nutrients.
Vitamin D
You know how people tend to get sick in the winter more often than other seasons? I know I’ve always been told that this was because the cold weather somehow suppressed your immune system. While there is probably some truth to that hypothesis, it doesn’t look like it is entirely convincing.1
A more plausible explanation would be having lower levels of vitamin D. There is quite a bit less UVB light exposure during the winter, which means your body isn’t synthesizing its own endogenous vitamin D in nearly as high levels as it would when you are spending summer days out on the beach. A growing body of literature is showing how important optimal vitamin D levels are for immune function, and how vitamin D can help prevent both autoimmune and infectious diseases.2,3,4,5
Making sure you get enough vitamin D is important, but it’s also pretty easy. During the summer, spend more time out in the sun. Keep in mind that sunscreen prevents your body from synthesizing vitamin D from the sun’s rays, so you might want to consider getting sun protection from the food you eat instead. Of course, since getting sunburn can lead to skin cancer, you’ll need to balance the risks. A short period of exposure to the sun (say, 15-30 minutes without sunscreen) over large portions of your body should do the trick with a minimal risk of burn.
You can also get vitamin D in your diet, with egg yolks and fatty fish being good dietary sources. However, it is difficult for most people to get enough through their diet, particularly if they also lack sun exposure. “Fortified" foods use synthetic forms of vitamin D that are potentially harmful, so don’t rely on them for your vitamin D needs either.
Ultimately, most people will benefit from taking fairly large doses of a vitamin D supplement for much of the year, but particularly during the winter months. I suggest you check the vitamin D status in your city in order to determine how much you’ll synthesize from the sun while you are outside. For some of you it will be sufficient, but I suspect most people reading this will benefit from supplementation.

You should make sure you are supplementing with an oil-based vitamin D3, specifically. Until and unless more research determines that it is okay, you should avoid using other forms of vitamin D (such as D2). The optimal blood level and dosage of vitamin D is up for debate, but over the past few years, as more and more benefits of vitamin D have been discovered, the guidelines have tended to climb. You’ll likely want to take several thousand IU’s of vitamin D supplements on a daily basis, but the only way to know for sure is to get tested. In addition, if you are taking vitamin D in significant amounts, it is imperative that you also take a vitamin K2 supplement, which works synergistically. Taking vitamin D without K2 can lead to nutrient imbalances over time. It is not yet established what the optimal ratio is, but one recommendation is to get at least 100 mcg of vitamin K2 for every 5000 IU’s of vitamin D.
The next most important element of an immune-system boosting regimen is the highly underrated and under-appreciated mineral, zinc. It is instrumental in having a healthy immune system, and a deficiency makes you far more susceptible to illness. An estimated 17.3% of the world’s population is at risk for zinc deficiency; this risk is lower in high income areas (as low as 7.5%), but is gigantic in other regions (30% in South Asia, for instance).6
Supplementation with zinc can go a long way towards reducing your chance of illness by shoring up your immune system. As Fraker et al shows,
“…short periods of zinc supplementation substantially improve immune defense in individuals with these diseases. Mouse models demonstrate that 30 d[ays] of suboptimal intake of zinc can lead to 30–80% losses in defense capacity. Collectively, the data clearly demonstrate that immune integrity is tightly linked to zinc status."7
When it comes to zinc supplementation, please be mindful of your dosages. It is very difficult to get too much zinc from dietary sources alone, but easy while supplementing. I recommend getting this zinc supplement, but only taking half a pill per day, or about 25 mg. I accidentally took too much one day and had to uncomfortably sweat it out for the next few hours. Don’t repeat my mistake!
Maintain A Healthy Gut Microbiome
The next most important thing to do is to make sure you have a healthy gut microbiome by consuming enough probiotics and prebiotics. Having a healthy ecosystem of friendly gut bacteria is one of the more effective things you can do to avoid getting sick and improve your immune system.8,9 And lactic acid bacteria specifically help your immune system, so taking probiotics (which often contain lactobacillus) is beneficial.10
Fermented foods such as yogurt, kefir, kombucha tea, sauerkraut, and kimchi contain loads of healthy bacteria. You can also use probiotic supplements; I recommend using a greens powder that also contains loads of other healthy stuff. In general, eating a good probiotic yogurt a few times per week should suffice.
You’ll also want to make sure that all those bacteria have something to munch on of their own. Prebiotics are indigestible to you, but make a nice food source for all the healthy bacteria in your gut. Prebiotic foods include garlic, onions, Jerusalem artichokes, jicama, asparagus, and under-ripe bananas. As a general rule, consider adding high-fiber foods to your diet for a similar purpose; just don’t eat too many grains. Focus on berries, almonds, cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts), and root vegetables.
Other Nutrients That Help Your Immune System
Making sure you have adequate levels of vitamin D and zinc, as well as making sure you take care of your gut bacteria, should go a long way towards ensuring that your immune system is healthy and strong. But there are many other nutrients that can enhance immune function.

When most people think about supplementation to improve their immune system, they think of vitamin C. There is definitely some evidence that vitamin C protects the immune system,11 but taking extra doses in response to a cold appears misguided, despite being a common practice. However, for people who undergo lots of physical stress, like heavy weight-lifters or marathon runners, some extra vitamin C may be effective in improving immune function.12
An old review article found that other important nutrients for your immune system include copper, selenium, iron, vitamins A, E, B-6, and folic acid.13 Additionally, increasing your antioxidant consumption in general is helpful.14 In other words, you’ll want to eat a varied and healthy diet, making sure that you are not deficient in any particular nutrients. Eat your vegetables!
Here are a handful of other suggestions:
Drink green tea. Boosting your immune system is only one of many of the benefits of drinking green tea. It’s loaded with antioxidants and other goodies that will keep you healthy.
Drink loads of water.
Eat dark chocolate. It’s also loaded with antioxidants and dramatically reduces inflammation, which may explain why dark chocolate prevents so many diseases.
Add garlic to your diet. My girlfriend and I love garlic and add it to just about everything. And why not? It’s delicious! More importantly for our purposes here, garlic also helps stimulate your immune system.15
Use coconut oil. Coconut oil is another one of those can’t-endorse-it-enough superfoods, which happens to have strong anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal properties. It can be fairly expensive in most places, but you can get a humongous tub of it on the cheap here.
Consume apple cider vinegar. Admittedly, I have not tried it myself, but there are some who believe that it has immune-boosting properties.
Spice up your food. Many spices are loaded with antioxidants and have antimicrobial properties, so try to include some spices in every meal. Turmeric is generally a good choice.
There are many herbs that have antimicrobial properties or are said to enhance the immune system in some way.16,17 Echinacea is probably the most famous for this effect, but there are many others. I have little experience in this area, and would advise anyone who is interested to do their own research. Consider that many herbs have powerful chemicals that can have serious health effects, including interacting with medications. Be careful.
You’ll get the most bang for your buck by focusing on vitamin D and zinc, but there are clearly many other nutrients that impact your immune system.
Nutrition: What Not To Consume
Not only are there nutrients that you must make sure you consume in sufficient quantities to maintain a healthy immune system, but there are also foods that you should deliberately avoid. If you are interested in this subject, I strongly suggest reading this 11-page paper by Dr. Ian Myles, which summarizes modern research on how our diets can adversely impact our immune system. It’s ridiculously fascinating.
Here are a few rules:
Try to avoid eating out at restaurants as much as possible. Obviously, there are many good reasons to go to restaurants, but your health is simply not one of them. They may be adding things to your food that are bad for you, and you would have no idea. You also don’t know what kind of sanitation practices they use.
When shopping for food, you should tend towards the organic options if you can afford it. Pesticides can wreak havoc on your immune system.18 Organic is more expensive, but you don’t need to get everything organic. Certain foods are more important to purchase organic, but you should do your own research to determine how important this is to you.
Avoid all processed foods, gluten, and sugary foods and drinks. According to Dr. Myles, these foods lead to increased inflammation, reduced control of infection, increased rates of cancer, and increased risk for auto-inflammatory diseases and allergies. They are also really bad for your gut bacteria.
Seriously, you should avoid sugar like the plague. According to Dr. Sears,
“Eating or drinking 100 grams (8 tbsp.) of sugar, the equivalent of two- and-a-half 12-ounce cans of soda, can reduce the ability of white blood cells to kill germs by 40 percent. The immune-suppressing effect of sugar starts less than thirty minutes after ingestion and may last for five hours."
Unfortunately, you’ll want to avoid artificial sweeteners as well, which tend to pulverize your gut bacteria.19 Splenda (sucralose) seems to be particularly bad.20 So if sugar is bad and artificial sweeteners are bad, getting your sweet-tooth on may be a bit challenging. Stick with real fruit and dark chocolate. Alternatively, stevia is a natural sweetener that does not have the problems associated with artificial sweeteners.21 If you simply need added sweetness, use stevia.
Exercise Guidelines To Optimize Immune Function
Exercise provokes a huge number of physiological changes in the human body, including quite a few changes that directly impact the functioning of the immune system. For the nerds who are interested in learning more about these physiological changes, read this paper. It’s dense, but interesting.
Physical exercise is generally considered necessary to maintain optimal health and fitness. But the relationship between exercise and the immune system is more complex.
Acute bouts of exercise create a stress response in humans, suppressing the proper functioning of the immune system. This stress response is so strong that researchers will sometimes use exercise as a means of simulating a traumatic event in their experiments! Therefore, a given bout of exercise will tend to make it more likely that you will get sick. Heavy acute exercise loads can depress immune function for 3-72 hours post-exercise.22 Moderate physical activity does not tax the body’s immune system to nearly the same degree.
High-intensity training absolutely should NOT be ruled out based on this – you just need to weigh the pros and cons. The anti-inflammatory effect of exercise may potentially make up for the increased susceptibility to infection. High intensity exercise will most certainly reduce your risk of chronic degenerative diseases, even if short term infections might increase.
There is a perception among athletes that long-term, moderate exercise improves their immune systems. While there is some evidence of this, there isn’t enough to draw any significant conclusions for the average person.23 Perhaps the ideal form of long-term exercise for immune function would be yoga, which improves immune system markers by reducing the body’s response to stress.24,25
Additionally, there is some evidence that supplementation with glutamine, carbohydrate consumption, probiotics, and antioxidants may reduce the negative immune system impact of heavy exertion.26,27 Normally I wouldn’t recommend most carbohydrates, but consuming them at around the same time you are exercising isn’t the worst idea in the world.
Perhaps the right strategy may be to continue doing high intensity training a couple times a week, but also do yoga a couple other times per week to help balance it out while remaining fit. You might also want to consider going easy on the exercise when you really can’t afford to get sick, or if you are engaging in other “riskier" activities such as poor eating and not getting enough sleep.
Mental Health, Happiness, And The Immune System

This is a blog largely focused on happiness, so how can I not bring up the role that emotions play in immune system health?
As discussed in the previous section, physical stress decreases immune function. But psychological stress has a serious impact as well. Here is a meta-analysis of over 300 empirical studies on psychological stress and immune response. The whole thing is interesting, but I will summarize the most important results. Note that “cellular" corresponds to immune defense mounted against viruses (intracellular), whereas “humoral" corresponds to defense against bacteria and parasites extracellularly. The researchers found that
Acute stressors that last for only a few minutes have mixed effects, upregulating some markers of immune function and down regulating others.
Brief naturalistic stressors, such as exams, tended to suppress cellular immune function while preserving humoral.
Chronic stress suppresses both cellular and humoral measures of immune function.
In another study, higher psychological stress increased the infection rate when subjects were exposed to various respiratory viruses, such as the common cold.28 And on a related note, depression and negative mood states down-regulate the body’s immune response, which can lead to delayed healing and higher susceptibility to infection.29,30
Taking steps to reduce the chronic stress in your life is one of the best ways to reduce your susceptibility to illness. This could involve restructuring certain aspects of your life (job, family, etc.), coming to terms with and accepting certain aspects of your life that you can’t change, and things like meditation that will manage the existing stress and reduce your body’s response to it. I have written extensively about this and related subjects (after all, that’s what this blog is for!), so here are some ideas:
Accept yourself. But if you are unsatisfied with your life, you can use the starting from zero technique to help you begin changing it for the better. Similarly, use the fear-setting technique to help you overcome the fears you may have related to pursuing your dream life. Then get to work on achieving your goals, but recognize that you’ll never be able to do it all. And when you find yourself slipping, learn how to get back on-course.
Understand that busyness is a choice.
Get over your “FOMO", or fear of missing out. On a related note, stop ruining good experiences by wishing for something different or better. In general, you should learn to develop an abundance mentality, which is one of the greatest things you can do to reduce stress.
Become more mindful. Learn how to meditate. You can also practice mindful eating. One of the better ways to reduce stress that gives you an opportunity to be more mindful is cuddling with a loved one.
Stop practicing escapism.
Learn how to reframe your negative thoughts.
Learn how to accept criticism. Become better at seeing the good in other people.
Become more resilient in the face of adversity. When something really bad happens, write about your experience. Recognize that negative emotions play an important and positive role in your life.
Negative emotions can clearly have a negative influence on our immune function, but what influence might positive emotions have? The effect of positive emotions on immune function has been studied to a vastly lesser degree than negative emotions and stress. In addition, the studies that have been done have numerous caveats, so we must be cautious trying to extract meaning from their results. For those interested in a review of relevant studies, here is a good paper. It appears that positive mood states lead to improved markers of immune activity. In addition, people who are generally positive (or, in their lingo, “trait positive affect”) tend to have better immune function.
In general, your efforts to improve your life and become happier will also pay off with an improved immune system.
Lifestyle Factors Impacting Your Immune System
It’s a little bit ambiguous what would be considered a “lifestyle factor" and what wouldn’t. I mean, what isn’t a lifestyle factor? Well, whatever. The three subjects I will include here are sleep, the use of certain substances, and hygiene.
Get Enough Sleep

There is certainly a popular conception that sleep deprivation weakens immunity and makes people more likely to get sick. In my personal experience, this is certainly the case. Very rarely do I get sick, unless I’ve pulled an all-nighter or have barely slept for several days.
For a short, fascinating discussion of how sleep and the immune system are related, see this. Disruptions in the circadian rhythm have negative effects on your immune system,31,32 so maintaining a consistent sleep schedule is important. You don’t want to get too much or too little sleep; there is a sweet spot, somewhere between 6 and 9 hours per night, usually between 7 and 8.
I’ve personally found that having a morning routine is the best way (for me) to maintain a consistent sleep schedule. I suggest picking a specific time to wake up each day, but going to sleep whenever you are tired. If you struggle with sleep, take a look at these resources:
The Definitive Guide to Sleep from Mark’s Daily Apple
Key Strategies for Optimizing Your Sleep from Dr. Joseph Mercola
Strategic Napping…from me! This post will cover everything you need to know about how to get the most out of your naps.
Reduce Alcohol And Tobacco Usage
Smoking tobacco suppresses the immune system, both for heavy and light smokers.33,34 But there is good news: quitting smoking for just 31 days restores some measure of immune function.35 And after three months without smoking, there is a substantial recovery of the immune system.36
For optimal immune function, you simply shouldn’t smoke. But the relationship between alcohol use and the immune system is slightly more complex. You can find an interesting discussion of alcohol’s effects on the immune system here, but I will summarize the most important findings.
Both acute and chronic alcohol consumption can weaken the immune system.
Alcoholism can lead to malnutrition and vitamin deficiencies, but is also related to immune suppression independent of these factors.
The effects of acute drinking are less certain, but do appear to have negative effects on the immune system.
A night of binge-drinking will weaken your immune system, as will drinking regularly. On the other hand, light alcohol consumption, such as a single glass of red wine with dinner, may actually have positive effects on your immune system.37
You’ll also want to consider the impact of any drugs (licit or illicit) or medications you might be taking. There are far too many possible substances to discuss individually here; however, it’s a pretty decent bet that whatever you might be taking or thinking of taking, it probably will weaken your immune system.
Practice Good Hygiene

Don’t let the relative position of hygiene in this article fool you about its significance; good hygiene is likely the #1 thing you can do to prevent yourself from getting sick. Of course, it is way less exciting than the other strategies for improving your immune system, so it is getting shoved way at the bottom of this article!
A massive literature review of over 100 years of studies says that hand-washing is a critical means of preventing infections.38 In fact, hand-washing with soap can reduce the risk of contracting diarrheal diseases by over 40%!39 And while you and I have likely never spoken, I feel confident in assuming that you are the kind of person who doesn’t like diarrhea.
Speaking of diarrhea, here are some hygiene tips to help prevent you from getting sick:
Wash your hands all the time, particularly after being in contact with sick people or touching public things.
Use a towel to open bathroom doors and to turn on the tap.
Avoid touching your face, especially during flu season.
Keep your keyboard and car steering wheel clean by wiping them down with an antibacterial.
Cough and sneeze into your elbow. And yell at other people when they don’t do this. Seriously, it’s one of my biggest pet peeves. How can people not be doing this in this day and age?
As I mentioned in my introduction to this article, one tip is to drink tons and tons of water. Water is good for your immune system in and of itself, but it’ll also force you to go to the bathroom more often, and thus (hopefully) wash your hands more frequently.
This has been a very dense post, detailing many possible ways for you to optimize your immune function. Having covered so much ground, let’s take a moment to summarize the most important things you can do.
Get enough vitamin D and zinc. Supplement if you have to. You probably do have to.
Drink lots of water. No more soda.
Be mindful of your physical activities – if you feel like you might be coming down with something, don’t work out too hard. Try adding yoga to your exercise regimen.
Take steps to structure your life such that chronic stressors, such as unhappiness at work, are minimized. Find ways to manage your stress in a healthy way, such as through meditation, yoga, taking walks, reading, etc.
Have a consistent sleep schedule. Make sure you get the right amount of sleep for you. For most people, that is about eight hours.
Quit smoking, and don’t abuse alcohol. Drink in moderation.
Follow good hygiene practices. Make sure you wash your hands frequently.
By following these steps, you ensure that your body is in the best possible position to fight off any illnesses that life tries to throw your way.
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Filed Under: Diet, Exercise, Lifestyle, Stress
Kate Gordon says:
January 13, 2016 at 12:44 pm
I am greatful to you for putting together the ( accept yourself) audio. I’m 55 on SSDI and SS for having nearly given up on making any further progress in my life since the death of my 17 year old daughter. I do realize that stagnation can become a comfort zone of sorts. Your information applies equally well to my circumstance as to many others in different situations.B-)
Mikey D says:
January 13, 2016 at 1:21 pm
I’m so sorry to hear about your daughter! I hope you are doing better.
Personal Trainer River North says:
March 16, 2016 at 10:06 am
I agree with your thoughts regarding nutrition. I always think you’re better off getting these nutrients through whole foods instead of highly processed supplements though. Within the original food source, phytonutrients and other aids will help the body with adequate absorption and digestion (something that is usually stripped out when made into a powder or pill).
Mikey D says:
March 17, 2016 at 7:50 am
That’s fair, and I think that is generally good advice. Personally, I’ve noticed that supplementing with vitamin D and zinc (and a couple other things, sometimes) really helps, in my n=1 sample. Obviously, eating whole foods is ideal, but I think to “hack” your immune system, supplementation can be beneficial.
Anna Powell says:
February 15, 2017 at 12:37 pm
Thanks for the detailed info. Everyone talks about Vitamin C when you get sick but I’ve read a lot how much Vitamin D is the most important to strengthening the immune system
Anna Powell recently posted..7 Yummy Immune Boosting Smoothie Recipes
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This Is Why You Should Sleep on Your Left Side (Backed by Science)

Kenny Kline

We all know that duration of sleep is critical for mental and physical wellbeing, but it turns out that sleep position may be another important factor in the quest for optimum health.
Specifically, a small body of research suggests that, for many people, sleeping on the left side may be the ticket to better health and better sleep. The theory stems from Ayurveda, a holistic approach to health and medicine that originated in India.
So why all the fuss about sleeping on the left side? Turns out it may be good for our digestion, our backs, and even our hearts due to the positions of different organs. Here are six potential benefits that may be derived from catching some Zzzs while lying on your left side.

1. It bolsters the lymphatic system.
According to Ayurvedic medicine, sleeping on your left side allows your body to better filter lymph fluid and waste via the lymph nodes as the left side of our body is the dominant lymphatic side. Western research has also found that sleeping on the left side can help the body process waste materials from the brain. In contrast, sleeping on your right side can decrease the lymphatic system’s efficiency.
10 Benefits of Sleeping Naked You Probably Didn't Know
2. It may improve digestion.
When it comes to digestion, sleeping on the left side may be preferable to the right due to the simple matter of gravity. Specifically, lying on the left side allows food waste to easily move from the large intestine into the descending colon (meaning you’re more likely to have a bowel movement upon waking). Sleeping on the left side also allows the stomach and pancreas to hang naturally (our stomach lies on the left side of the body), which can keep the development of pancreatic enzymes and other digestive processes humming. (Need help visualizing this process? Consult the image above).

3. It’s good for your heart.
Doctors have long recommended that pregnant women sleep on their left side in order to improve circulation to the heart. Even if you’re not pregnant (or a woman), sleeping on the left side may help to take some pressure off the heart, as gravity can facilitate both lymph drainage toward and aortic circulation away from the heart. That said, it should be noted that there’s some debate over whether sleeping on the left or right side is best for heart health.
4. It’s ideal for pregnant women.
Sleeping on the left side doesn’t only improve pregnant women’s circulation. It can also help to relieve pressure on the back, keep the uterus from squeezing the liver, and increase blood flow to the uterus, kidneys, and fetus. For this reason, doctors tend to recommend that pregnant women spend as much of their sleep time as possible on their left sides.
5. It may reduce heartburn.
A study published in The Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology found that lying on the left side can help reduce acid reflux symptoms. Again this is because our stomach lies on the left side. Conversely, lying on the right side may aggravate these symptoms. The effects are fairly immediate; if you’re struggling with heartburn after a meal, try taking a 10-minute lie-down on your left side.
6. It may relieve back pain.
People who suffer from chronic back pain may benefit from switching to left-side sleeping. That’s because sleeping on your side can relieve pressure on the spine. Feeling more comfortable, in turn, will improve your chances of getting a good night’s sleep.

While all of these factors point to compelling reasons to start sleeping on your left side, it’s important to note that some people—including those with heart disease, sleep apnea, glaucoma, and carpal tunnel syndrome—may not benefit from side sleeping. If you’re unsure about what sleep positions may be best for you, it’s always a good idea to consult a medical professional.
How to make the switch
If you are ready to make the switch, you’ll find that it may take some time to build the new habit of sleeping on your left side. Implementing a few simple strategies can help ensure a smooth transition. For instance, you may want to experiment with putting a body pillow behind your back so that it’s harder for you to roll off of your left side during sleep. It can also be helpful to try sleeping on the opposite side of the bed than you normally do; that way your sleep orientation won’t feel much different (even if you’re sleeping on your opposite side).
It will also be important to choose a mattress that’s ideal for side sleeping. Because sleeping on your side can put pressure on the hips and shoulders, it’s important to choose a softer mattress that will help relieve pressure in those areas. Also be sure to look for a mattress that allows the spine to rest in natural alignment. And of course, make sure that whatever mattress you choose feels comfortable to you. The combination of a comfy bed and a health-promoting sleeping position is sure to increase your chances of sleeping well and feeling great whenever you wake up.
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10 Benefits of Sleeping Naked You Probably Didn't Know
Joseph Hindy

Sleeping is one of the most important things we do every night. Getting the right amount of sleep has an untold number of health benefits and not getting enough sleep is a serious problem in many countries around the world. Did you know that you can get additional benefits by sleeping naked? Here are some benefits of sleeping in the nude:
1. It is easier.
When you don’t have to worry about sleeping in clothes, things start to get easier. You don’t have to buy pajamas, which can save you money. You have less clothes to wash and less clothes to put away. You may have to clean your bed sheets more often, but not nearly as often as you’d have to wash your pajamas when you run out.
2. It forces you to be ready to go more often.
Some people get off of work, change into their pajamas, and use this as an excuse to stay home the rest of the evening. This can lead to a more sedentary lifestyle, which has been attributed to things like weight gain. When you keep your regular clothes on, you tend to go out more often and that’s a good thing.
3. It can make you feel happier and more free.
Just imagine the feeling of laying in bed naked. You’re free of your pants and underwear. Women, you’re not wearing a constrictive bra. It’s just you sandwiched between two cool sheets. The feeling just makes you want to smile and it makes you feel more free. Everyone can use that kind of good feeling every now and then, and it may even help you be happier as a person.

4. Skin-on-skin contact is the best.
If you’re married, or living with your significant other, sleeping naked gives a greater chance of skin-on-skin contact, especially when it comes to cuddling. This kind of contact can also lead to a more active sex life. All of this releases copious amounts of oxytocin, which is the neurotransmitter that helps you feel those good feelings about your significant other.
5. It could lead to better sleep.
Let’s revisit the scenario I described above. There are no drawstrings or clothes getting tangled in sheets. You don’t have to worry about shirts getting twisted. All of these distractions go away when you sleep naked and it may help you get better, deeper sleep. You don’t need science to tell you that better, deeper sleep only helps you be healthier.
6. It can help your skin.
For once your body gets to breathe. Your private parts, armpits, and feet are generally restricted all day and are often covered by multiple layers, even in the summer time. Give those parts a chance to air out and breathe. This can lower the risk of skin diseases, like athlete’s foot, that result from wet, restricted skin.
7. Helps you regulate your cortisol.
Cortisol is a very strange chemical in the body but it can do a lot of damage. When you sleep naked, it helps keep your body temperature at the optimal ranges so your body can better create cortisol. If you sleep overheated your cortisol levels tend to stay high, even after you wake up. This can lead to increased anxiety, cravings for bad food, weight gain, and more terrible things. Sleep naked so you can keep your body temperature down and sleep well so your body can properly produce and regulate cortisol.

8. Balances your melatonin and growth hormone.
Continuing along that same vein, keeping your sleeping environment below 70 degrees (F) every night can help your body regulate its melatonin and growth hormone levels. These chemicals help the body do things like prevent aging and are essential to good health. When you sleep in clothes, your body heats up and prevents effective use of these hormones. In other words, sleeping with clothes on makes you grow old faster.
9. It can keep your sex organs happier.
For men, the cooler sleeping conditions allows your testes to remain at a cooler temperature. This helps keep your sperm healthy and your reproductive systems functioning as normal. For women, the cooler and more airy sleeping conditions can actually help prevent yeast infections. Yeast grows better in warm, moist conditions. When it’s cooler and dryer, the growth of yeast is prevented.
10. Sleeping in the summer is more bearable.
Summertime is a tricky time to get good sleep. If you don’t have air conditioning, then you may find your bedroom a bit stuffy at night. Shedding those bedtime clothes can help the bedroom feel more comfortable. You may even be able to turn the A/C off on those cooler nights, which can save you a few bucks on your electricity bill. Don’t wake up drenched in sweat again because your thermostat is downstairs and the hot air expands up to your bedroom where the thermostat can’t read the warm temperatures.
With these tips in mind, it’s time to start taking off your clothes at night! Of course, there are times where clothes are preferable. If you are ill or it’s cold outside, then you should sleep with clothes on to help you stay warm and prevent further illness. Otherwise, go commando!
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